What About Disability Insurance?
Disability insurance coverage is tailor-made to safeguard workers with assistance in getting through an unexpected period of sickness or injury. This coverage is valuable for all workers should one be incapable of performing his or her job functions for a period of one week or more. Often times employers often sweeten offers of work by providing this as part of an overall employee benefits package. Employees are generally informed of eligibility and given instruction on how to enroll as soon they are officially hired.
Getting It Done
Benefit plans normally are paid via a monthly premium that the employer deducts from the employee’s pay. The main benefit is that the premium payments are often discounted over the what a person would pay had the coverage been purchased on their own. Should sickness or injury strike, the covered individual simply calls a provided contact number to open a case. The insurance provider then determines the claim eligibility based on an investigation involving the employee and any input from the employer.
How it Works
The benefit provides partial income while the employee is out of work due to a qualifying injury or sickness. The level of payment that the employee receives depends on the details of each plan. Often it is a level from 66% to all of a worker’s usual pay. Benefits go into effect for a set litany of illnesses with each plan having its own parameters for compensation and care. The following are just a few of the covered items: Injuries to the back, broken bones, problems arising from diabetes, respiratory problems and more. Some coverage can even pay out for emotional and mental conditions should they be enough of a problem to cause the employee to miss work.
In order to obtaining payment from the insurance provider, one must have a doctor diagnose the condition and then indicate an amount of time that the employee will be unable to work. The insurance company follows through in reviewing the doctor’s comments and then determines whether the claim will be approved. Payments commence soon after the employee gets his or her approval for the benefits from the insurance provider. The benefits cease when the employee gets back to work and resumes his or her duties.